Sunday 5 February 2012



hyep .. aq nk cter something neyh .. sperti tjuk di ats ...
n mcm keje yg tgh aq wat neyh .. 
"mengarut di blog" .. bosan derr ! 
bile aq n cousin aq neyh tgh boring, mnde neyh lahh yg blaku .. 

~ bwu lek dri knduri ~

~sblum anta tyah g skola~

~ galok pkol2 pgi smbil tggu mak blek~

haa ! mcm neyh lahh kteowg .. actually byk lgi ..
tp, mls lahh tnjuk byk2 .. 
nnt kowg mnympah rite ? ahaks ! 
n the last thing .. kte owg siap wat vdeo ag mlm tuh ..

hmm .. x tau lahh klau x dpt bkk .. 
kteowg wat time kteowg bsan jerk .. ahahah ..
ape2 pown, aq ttap syg dy ! 
k lahh .. luv u all readers !

p/s : kowg pown bleyh wat gak .. (*_^)


assalamualaikum :)

hye sumenye .. lme x wat gler kt cneyh . windu meyh .. haha .. hmm .. what the story today ? ehem2..
aq neyh s'org dak pmpuan yg bese2 jerk . 
byk klemahan kot .. 
the one thing is aq neyh x cntekk mcm kowg ..
tp, tetap gak b'syukur .. xdek ape yg istimewe psal aq .. 
haha .. tgkap leleh plak .. back to the title .. 
2 mggu lpas punye cter neyh .. family aq yg bwu blek dri perak, tbe2 ag something kt aq .. 
dlm plastik wane merah .. 
bile aq bkk jerk, guess what ? 
i got a shirt .. no2 .. a sweet shirt actually .. 
gmbire gler .. 

sweet kn ? bju jerk lahh .. 

pndai dy wat .. haha .. lets preview blek story neyh ..
taon lpas bln 12 .. kmi s'family pegi lahh kedah n tmpat2 yg sekutu dgnnye .. 
t'msuk lahh umah sppu aq yg comey loteyy tuh .. 
second cousin yg pling aq syg after tyah ...
ALYA FARHANA given to her .. 
cute name rite ? hmm .. wlau pown kmi b'jauhan tp, itu bkn p'hlang utk kmi b'mesra ..
sperti yg aq ckp .. skrg zmn da brubah .. dnie da mju ..
haha .. mcm prngai mnusia yg ske b'ubah2 neyh .. 
okeyh, back to da title .. hmm .. 
mse aq singgah kt umah dy tuh, mcm bese lahh .. hobi aq on9 lahh ..
lpas sronok m'godang fb aq, turn dy plak yg nk men ..
time dy bkk  fb dy, aq neyh sibuk lahh dok sblh dy smbil men mcj ..
tbe2 dy bkk fb kwn dy, kwn dy ad lahh wat bju2 sprti yg trtera di ats ...
aq pown mnx lahh kt dy n ckp yg aq nk tmpah .. 
so, aq pown b'minat lahh .. tp x srius .. anda phm ?
then, dy pown ckp btol2 kt kwn dy tuh .. sbnrnye x sgke lahh btol2 kn .. 
aq x srius tp, mnat kt bju tuh .. 
sbb cntek n mnrik .. wane wani n ad nme kte kt ats tuh ..
then, time aq nk blek ke kmpg len plak .. dy brie x ag aq blek .. 
haha .. aq x srius nk kn bju tuh sbb aq tau aq x kn dpt .. aq dok phg .. 
belah pntai timur .. dy dok kdah, belah utara .. 
mna nak dpt cekk oiii .. aq pown wat ngde2 mnje jerk lahh .. 
tup3x .. dpt  ... mak aq bwk blek ..
wah .. mau x m'lompat aq sowg2 .. hehe .. 
xtau lahh .. bgi aq tuh da ckup bek .. 
thanks eak aleeya .. aq syunkk kt hg sgt2 ..
maseh eak .. xsgke lahh plak dpt bju neyh btoi2 .. 
insyaallah .. i will take care this shirt like i care my self .. 
hehe ,, this is my promise to u .. trust me please ! 
okey lahh .. smpai sni jerk utk story kli neyh .. okeyh, byep sumenye ..
hope enjoy with this statement .. muehehehe.. 
<3 u all readers ! 

p/s : haha .. kowg prsan x aq neyh keje nk speaking jerk kli neyh ..
mgkin pngruh miss patricia weng ( new teacher in my school from american )